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DAY 9: Community Finances or How To Never Pay Income Tax Again (PDC 2010 with Bill Mollison and Geoff Lawton)

Bill Mollison lecturing the PDC 2010
Today Bill and Geoff shared information about what may be the main questions we all have. How do we fund all these wonderful ideas we’ve learned. How do we navigate community and government structures; how do we organize people for action. It was not a topic we expected from a Permaculture course, but it’s a very important one. It stirred up questions and lengthy discussions, skeptical gazes and hopeful eyes.

Community Finances

There are two types of community economies: formal economy and informal economy.

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DAY 8: Irrigation and Water Cleansing (PDC 2010 with Bill Mollison and Geoff Lawton)

Cattails by David Hoffman

Water Duties

Water has to perform 3 main duties before it runs off to the sea. If rain water lands (of flows) straight into the river and is carried out to the sea, it hasn’t performed its duties, and thus it hasn’t been most beneficial to the Earth and its inhabitants.

  1. Pro-create life (human included)
  2. Aquaculture
  3. Energy (deliver and carry out)

It is to our benefit and benefit of the system to re-cycle water was mush as possible before allowing it to leave the system.

House sewage water can be completely cleaned up and become suitable for putting back into house by using a long trench filled with gravel and Typha reeds. The roots of the reeds have little trap doors that catch any organisms that pass next to them and digest them. Typhas can even take out E. coli bacteria to safe levels.

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DAY 7: Water Conservation and Storage (PDC 2010 with Bill Mollison and Geoff Lawton)

The world of water
The world of water by Snap®

Water Arithmetics

  • 97% of all water on Earth is salt water
  • of remaining 3%:
    • 14% is deep ground water (below 800ft) – this is fossil water that took thousands of years to travel from the surface. It cannot be renewed in our lifetime, and it can only be accessed using heavy-duty pumps. This is the water that modern monoculture farming is sucking up…
    • 11% is shallow ground water (less than 800ft deep)
    • 74% trapped in snow and ice caps
    • ONE PERCENT is lakes/ponds, forests, living systems, soils, rivers and atmosphere
  • There is a constant amount of water in the Earth system. Like energy, it doesn’t come from anywhere and it doesn’t go anywhere; it only changes its position and state. Hence, the water in my body right now could’ve in a dinosaur at some stage :).
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DAY 6: Climatic Factors to Land Ownership (PDC 2010 with Bill Mollison and Geoff Lawton)

morning coffee at Soul Kitchen
morning coffee at Soul Kitchen

It’s Saturday, and I was trekking through the empty streets to class. Most of the usual cafes were closed, but that didn’t mean I had to sacrifice the quality of my morning cup. In fact, it made me look at surroundings more carefully, and I came upon this brilliant man.

Michael from Soul Kitchen making me a cuppa joe
Michael from Soul Kitchen making me a cuppa joe

Michael and his super cheerful Kombi like to hang out on St. Kilda street, just outside the National Gallery of Victoria. They listen to music, greet passerby’s and make some really great coffee. Made me smile.

When I got to class, it was obvious that everyone’s head was flat out. Even the most upright people began to slouch in their chairs. I suppose 6 straight days of contemplating world problems would do that to you :).

Bill and Geoff were away in Brisbane giving a talk, so the lectures were lead by Greg, who is assisting with the course. We began discussions about different climatic zones, but the conversation soon diverged to the topic of land availability, funding and government regulations. I must say, those are my top concerns as well, and I was glad to discuss it with a group. Best advice I heard was that if you want to find out about local land, go to a pub and have a beer with the locals. Makes sense.

Films Food Kitchen Gardens Plants Resources

Watch “Gardens of Destiny” documentary with Dan Jason

Dan Jason photo

I really admire what Dan Jason does. I first saw this documentary while doing research for a college project. That was a time of great soul search for me, when I was feeling that I wanted to do ‘something’, but didn’t know what. Watching “Gardens of Destiny” documentary made it clear to me, for the first time, that there is hope because people like Dan Jason exist. I knew that what I wanted to do was re-connect with the land, be a happy human, the best human I can be.

This beautiful documentary about Dan Jason’s “Salt Spring Seeds” of Canada was produced by Jocelyn Demers in 2009. In the film, Jocelyn Demers meets with Dan Jason and other seed, food and political activists to discuss issues of seed saving, organic food projection, GMO, cancer cures and relationships between people and governments. All these topics are presented in gorgeous settings of Dan Jason’s seed sanctuary and saturated with hope. Multiple solutions are presented, and it just looks so beautiful and inspiring.

Running time: 63 mins (8 parts)