Resources Videos

Simpsons: Behind the Scenes (Video)

Trust me, this video (made by Banksy) is worth a-minute-and-a-half of your time. Watching it reminds us of what really happens “behind the scenes” of mainstream media and cheap products. Living on credit, as I like to call it…

Food Resources Videos

Jon Stewart on “The Food, the Bad and the Ugly” (VIDEO)

This reminds me of Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya, when the professor exclaims in exasperation before his farewell, “Do something!”

Get PermaCultured Organizations Resources Videos

John Hardy: My green school dream (TED video)

This video just hit me right over the head. I had a sudden urge to get on the plane and join this man!

Plants Resources Videos

Stefano Mancuso: The roots of plant intelligence

Plants behave in some oddly intelligent ways: fighting predators, maximizing food opportunities … But can we think of them as actually having a form of intelligence of their own? Italian botanist Stefano Mancuso presents intriguing evidence.


Resources Videos

Nic Marks: The Happy Planet Index (VIDEO on TED)

Statistician Nic Marks asks why we measure a nation’s success by its productivity – instead of by the happiness and well-being of its people. He introduces the Happy Planet Index, which tracks national well-being against resource use (because a happy life doesn’t have to cost the Earth). Which countries rank highest in the HPI? You might be surprised.